Your Help Starts Here
Providing Behavioral Health Services in Rural South Texas
- Monday – Friday 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
- Toll Free: 1-888-819-5312
- 24/7 Crisis Hotline: 1-800-841-6467
- Main: 1-361-777-3991
Main Phone: 361-777-3991
Fax: 361-777-2940
If you need an appointment outside of normal business hours please contact our Toll Free number above.
200 Marriott Drive,
Portland, Texas 78374
620 E. Concho
Rockport, Texas 78382
Hours of Operation: 8 a.m. – 5 p.m.
Currently Serving: 317 Persons
317 N. Pearl St.
Rockport, Texas 78382
Elda Plake has taken the position of Beeville Clinic Director. Originating from Mexico City, Elda has a bachelor’s in Social Work from Instituto Politécnico Nacional de México. Working in social work for approximately 4 years for the jail. Elda came to the United States and went to Del Mar College to become a Medical Assistant then LVN. She is also a Licensed Podiatrist. Elda started her career with Coastal Plains in 2016 where she began as a Secretary out of the Taft Center. She transitioned to the Rockport/Aransas Pass Center as an Eligibility Specialist and led to her becoming the Assistance Program Manger for the Integrated Healthcare Expansion Project (IHEP). Elda has proven to be an asset to Coastal Plains. She is currently endeavoring towards a Masters in Business Administration.
Providing Behavioral Health Services in Rural South Texas