Your Help Starts Here
Providing Behavioral Health Services in Rural South Texas
- Monday – Friday 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
- Toll Free: 1-888-819-5312
- 24/7 Crisis Hotline: 1-800-841-6467
- Main: 1-361-777-3991
Main Phone: 361-777-3991
Fax: 361-777-2940
If you need an appointment outside of normal business hours please contact our Toll Free number above.
200 Marriott Drive,
Portland, Texas 78374
Anyone who is interested in receiving services or referring someone for services may call:
Art Hernandez at 1-888-819-5312.
Intellectual Disabilities are a clinical diagnosis defined as a usually permanent condition originating sometime between birth and age 18. The person’s general intellectual functioning is significantly below average (roughly an IQ of 70 or below) and his or her behavior does not meet the level of personal independence and social responsibility expected of the person’s age and culture.
A determination of eligibility is an assessment (or endorsement of an assessment), conducted in accordance with state law and the Texas Health and Human Service Commission (HHSC) rules to determine if a person has an intellectual disability or a diagnosis of a qualifying related condition for IDD services and supports.
For IDD services, you will speak with an IDD intake worker who will schedule an intake appointment with you, either at your home or at the center. At the intake appointment, the Intake worker will ask you many questions to determine your needs. Following this appointment, an appointment will be made with a psychologist who will test the individual to determine the individual’s intellectual capacity and adaptive functioning. If the individual is determined to meet eligibility criteria to receive IDD services, a service coordinator is assigned and the treatment planning process is initiated.
As with all health care services, there is usually a waiting time between the time you call for service and the actual date you are seen. For mental health services, which are not of a crisis nature, individuals are usually seen within ten(10) working days of the request for service. For IDD services the individual will be seen within thirty(30) days of request for service.
Provides individuals with assistance to help develop and refine skills necessary to live and work in the community. These services are provided in six different locations throughout the counties served by Coastal Plains.
TxHmL program is a Medicaid waiver program which provides community-based services and supports to individuals who live in their own homes or in their family home. The program can provide assistance with community support, day habilitation, employment assistance, supported employment, respite and professional and technical support services.
HCS enables individuals to live in the community by providing needed supports and services. The program offers different residential options such as living in an apartment, group home, companion care or in the family home. It can provide assistance with respite care, supported employment, counseling and therapeutic services, day habilitation, and service coordination.
Provides therapeutic support and interventions to individuals with IDD or suspected of having a diagnosis of IDD who are experiencing behavioral and psychiatric crisis or challenges.
Crisis Respite Care provided out of home respite is a service provided at a setting other than the individual’s home. The individual is in a 24-hour supervised setting in which therapeutic support is provided to stabilize the crisis situation prior to returning home. In home respite is a service provided in the individual’s home, when appropriate, to provide therapeutic support to stabilize a crisis situation and to address the situational stressors.
IDD Respite Care Individuals are provided with assistance and supervision with their activities of daily living and medication supervision.
The Intermediate Care Facilities for Individuals with an Intellectual Disability (ICF/IID) program is a community-based residential service option, provided in homes with six or fewer individuals. This ICF/IID program provides similar services provided in an HCS residential home. The services include staff available to assist individuals with identified needs, access to medical care, the opportunity to attend Day Habilitation or similar programs, and participation in community activities.
If you choose to access the ICF/IID residential option, you are able to keep your current placement on interest lists for home and community-based waiver services, such as HCS, Texas Home Living, Community Living Assistance and Support Services, and Deaf Blind with Multiple Disabilities programs.
For information about the ICF/IID program, please visit:
Information at “DADS” Provider Services allows you to search ICFs/IID homes with vacancies by county, city or zip code. It also lists any special services or areas of expertise.
If you are interested in this residential option, please contact Mr. Art Hernandez at, 1-888-819-5312. We will assist you in applying for the service. The application process for admission to an ICF/IID involves sharing an individual’s diagnosis and medical and support needs with ICF/IID providers to ensure they have the appropriate services and resources to best meet an individual’s needs.
Provides assistance to consumers in accessing and linking all resources and services necessary to reach and maintain an optimal level of functioning in their community. Services Include: assistance in accessing medical, social, educational, and other appropriate services and supports. Service Coordination provides the follow-up monitoring necessary for individuals to achieve quality of life and community participation
A service to determine eligibility to receive Community First Choice Personal Assistance and/or Habilitation Services. Assessments and IDD testing are completed and service planning coordinated with individual’s MCO to determine appropriate services
The intent of PASRR is to ensure that all nursing facility applicants are thoroughly evaluated, that they are placed in nursing facilities only when appropriate, and that they receive all necessary services while they are there, if they so choose. The individual will be assisted and provided with specialized services such as case management, occupational therapy, speech therapy, physical therapy, day habilitation, and independent living kills.
Providing Behavioral Health Services in Rural South Texas